Saturday, July 27, 2024


Many IT companies in Toronto are involved in website development, helping businesses to grow. One of them is Access Group Inc. Learn more about the history and development of this company at

Establishing the company and first innovations

Access Computer Solutions was established in 1992 in Toronto after acquiring APL Computers. They formed a small group of professionals who specialized in supplying microcomputer systems to small companies. In addition, Access Computer Solutions provided support and developed customized software solutions for businesses.

After some time, Access Computer Solutions went into high growth. The company transformed and concentrated on developing new printing technologies, including inkjet, color and laser printers.

In 1993, the company partnered with Business Vision and started working on developing and manufacturing accounting software for their customers. It is worth noting that Access Computer Solutions was the first supplier in Canada of a new robotic disk publishing system.

Around the same time, a new company, Access Imaging, was established to concentrate on delivering innovations in digital graphics. They designed and introduced a 12X19 laser printer whose images were used to produce printing molds.

Six months later, the company introduced its first 36-inch graphic inkjet plotter with a continuous ink system. This product has completely revolutionized the sign industry.

Rapid growth

Year by year, Access Computer Solutions products grew increasingly in popularity outside of Toronto, Canada. In 1995, the company started implementing Microsoft networking software along with providing server-based system solutions.

Back then, the Internet was still in the fledgling stages, but Access Computer Solutions pioneered the creation of Web sites based on IBM Websphere software. 

Access Imaging has expanded considerably, introducing Colorspan’s latest products for the wide-format digital industry in Canada. By 2006, Access Imaging had become Canada’s largest supplier of ColorSpan printing equipment. The production of high-quality products had made ColorSpan the world’s leading seller of UV ink flatbed printers already at that time.

As Access Computer Solutions developed, it expanded its customer base and evolved into a comprehensive provider of IT services. Its technical team provided both remote and on-site support to the customers. The main goal was to solve customers’ business problems so that they could easily manage their businesses.

Access Imaging and Access Computer Solutions merged into Access Group Inc. in 2011 and became its operating groups. A year later, the company opened branches in Montreal and Calgary. Since then, Access Group Inc. has become a leading provider of products for the large format printing industry in Canada.

In 2015, Access Imaging was sold to Grimco Canada. Following that, Access Group Inc. concentrated exclusively on expanding its IT business.

Today’s company

As of 2023, Access Computer Solutions concentrates its operations in the following areas:

  • Creation of IT solutions for small and medium businesses
  • IT equipment development
  • Purchasing for major corporations.

The company has a team of professionals with extensive experience in almost every aspect of business, including management, production and a full range of IT products and services.

IT support helps businesses ensure smooth and efficient operations. By implementing managed IT services, companies can enhance the security and efficiency of their operations.

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